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Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Reco





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖1)-速報App

Pocket Rehab is a recovery assistance app.

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖2)-速報App

Connect with peers anonymously 24/7. Completely private. Get help anytime via text/call/video chat. Volunteer to help other users. Keep a private journal, find meetings nearby, explore a community Q&A, and more!

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖3)-速報App

Pocket Rehab's philosophy:

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖4)-速報App

We at Pocket Rehab are excited to share our vision: to help better lives and improve your chance for recovery by starting a community for those struggling from addiction and alcoholism. The Pocket Rehab community has the ability to communicate on a public forum. The users also have access to the most important feature of Pocket Rehab, the My Lifeline button. My Lifeline allows for immediate access to other users that are available to help.

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖5)-速報App

A major deterrent, besides time and money, is the massive stigma behind drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental disorders in the U.S. Pocket Rehab allows the user to retain 100% anonymity. This is useful for everyone from the everyday person to business professionals, teachers, military officials, celebrities, to public figures. People may seek all kinds of treatment, but due to time, money, family obligations, and jobs seeking further help beyond the initial is difficult and rare. This will provide that extra edge for anyone looking to change his/her life and better themselves.

Pocket Rehab: Get Sober & Addiction Recovery(圖6)-速報App